Blog 2: Interval

This week we used interval training in our PE lessons as our method of training. Interval training is a great way to work out our lactic acid energy system because we participate in fast paced and intense games like one touch and castles. During one touch, any time someone was tug you’re team would run back to the end of the gym, this made it so everyone was constantly running and using energy. Before the game we checked our heart rate and then compared it to after the game to see how much it had increased by after all of the physical activity. My heart rate before the game was 54 beats per minute and afterwards it had more than doubled to 140 beats per minute. After each game we got to rest and let our heart rate and breathing return to normal. Playing castles on the turf was much the same as one touch except our rest intervals was walking around the turf when we were tug.

Some of the principles of training used during our fitness was rest and intensity from SPORT FITT. Rest was used because we were constantly running and moving for short periods of time pushing ourselves to our max but then needed to rest to recover, this helped our muscles by getting the oxygen we need to our muscles. Intensity was used as well because the games we participated in was fast paced and we were constantly running in a higher heart rate zone using around 70% of my maximum heart rate.

The main energy system used during these interval trainings was the lactic acid system because it is used for high intensity activity for short periods of time ranging from 60 seconds to 3 minutes. The lactic acid system is anaerobic therefore doesn’t require oxygen, instead it breaks down glycogen that is another form of carbohydrates that’s stored in the muscles. Because we had intervals, the high intensity training we did was only short so the lactic acid system was therefore the main energy system used.

Our heart rates increased dramatically during the fast paced games because our hearts had to pump enough oxygen around our body to keep our muscles oxygenated. This effected our respiratory systems as well because we needed to breath in more oxygen than usual therefore our breathing rate increased. Some long term effects of these two systems being trained is our lung capacity increasing to hold more oxygen and our hearts becoming stronger to pump more blood around our body when working out. Because my heart rate was at around 140bpm which meant I was in the medium intensity zone using 60-70% of my energy therefore working my lactic acid energy system.

The psychology skill I used during our training was visualisation, this motivated me by visualising winning against the opposing team. Visualising winning will improve your chances of winning as you are more determined to teach that goal.

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